Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 50: Miracles never cease

Hola a todos!!
This week was SO cool because we saw so many small miracles!!! The Lord is so in charge and we are so excited to see how the next few weeks roll out!
Well, we focused a lot of our time this week in contacting and finding and let me tell you, it was so worth it! Of course more people rejected us than accepted us, but Hermana Lopez and I just felt SO happy talking to everyone!! 
First, a couple of weeks ago we received a reference from a member and so we called to set up an appointment and the reference kinda hung up on us.. but yesterday we felt the impression to call her again. So we did, and she didn't answer. This morning, a random number called us and I thought, who could this be? It was the reference we had called the day before and she was super happy to talk to us and we should be meeting her this week!
Second, the other night it was about 8 and all of our plans had fallen through and so we decided to contact even though contacting at night isn't always easy, since no one wants to go outside! As we are walking this old lady sees us and begins to cheer! Haha we thought, uhh what's going on.. let's contact her! She recognized that we were missionaries and let us in to her house haha! She is super Catholic but she says that she loves seeing the youth spend their time as missionaries to help others! So we shared with her and invited us back that week. We stopped by again and her brother, who lives with her, came into the lesson and he already knows a ton about Mormons and he was super open, more open than her! We have another lesson this week, but it's so great to see how Heavenly Father will always put people into our paths if we are obedient!
Third, we had an appointment with a family that fell through and we were going to start heading for the house when I remembered that Hna Lara and I had contacted a house a loonggg time ago that was super close to where we were. It was a little late, but we decided to stop by! As soon as she sees us she had the biggest smile on her face and let us in! We were able to share with her for a little bit and it went super well!! Hna Lopez and I have a feeling that she has been prepared by the Lord! Prayers for her!
Fourth, we stopped by an new investigators house and I was explaining to Hna Lopez how we really have to take control of the lessons, because the investigator talks A LOT and sometimes we can barely get a lesson in! Haha I'm not sure if this was a good thing or not but when we got there, the investigator had completely lost her voice the day before!! Hahaha so we thought, the Restoration!!!! So we taught her the Restoration and she had to listen :) Haha she doesn't exactly believe in everything we said, but I felt that it was a miracle because we were able to teach what we felt she needed and we could at least feel the spirit!! 
Fifth, we stopped by with Tatiana (the joven that had a baptismal date for last month but stopped progressing..) not sure if we were going to have to drop her or not. When we got there she gave us the biggest hugs and told us that she was reading! WHAT?! We were SO excited :) We taught a good lesson with her and we are hoping to give her another baptismal date this week!!
These are only a few and Hna Lopez and I just feel so blessed and we can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us in these next weeks! Training is going great and Hna Lopez is a natural!! She has such a strong testimony and I know that she is helping our investigators so much!!
Well, that's all I have right now! Tomorrow the WHOLE mission is getting together because we are having a special guest.... ELDER HOLLAND will be talking to us missionaries tomorrow and I am STOKED!!!! More details next week :)
Love you all and have a great week!!
Hermana Holt

Elder Martinez


Wishing my sister Anna a happy birthday

Wow!  Anna is 14

Sweet familia

Beautiful Arecibo

We've been caught

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