Hola a todos!!
Yesterday was Labor Day so we are writing today :) Haha and you are not
going to believe what our district did to me and Hna Van Kammen this morning!
Well, today was my last District Meeting because next week is Zone Conference so
they decided to throw us a little "surprise"! I was a little nervous because the
past transfers we've stuffed the Elders faces in whipped cream haha and I was
not ready for that! We had just finished talking about the Spirit when our
District Leader says, Ok Hna Van Kammen and Hna Holt you two are going to be
blind folded, and you have to follow the voice of the "Spirit" to the other side
of the room - the rest of us will distract you with loud noises. HAHA nice try!
I knew they were up to something but we just went with it! And they weren't
kidding about the loud noises haha there we are trying to walk to the other side
of the room, trying to listen for the still, small voice when POP POP POP..
balloons popping everywhere!!! When we both got to the other side there was just
silence.. so we both took off our blindfolds and there was the whole district in
front in a line and they start to sing, Para Siempre Dios Este Con Vos.. or God
Be With You Til We Meet Again.. Wow! How amazing is my district? It was a really
touching moment.
We got some new investigators this week and had a lot of success contacting
so I know the Lord is aware of this area and wants it to succeed! Now lets just
see if we can get these people to church!! It seriously has been such a struggle
with these people and we aren't sure why.. but this week we have Stake
Conference, lets see if they'll come to that! But things are good :) I've felt a
lot this week the love the Lord has for me and for the people we are teaching.
I've also felt the power of prayer and of fasting. Also, there is power when we
bear our testimony! It strengthens our own. Anyway, can't wait to let you know
how Stake Conference goes! Have a great week everyone!!
Hermana Holt
Just before the rain
some of the reasons we gain weight here
final district meeting
there is something going on here
Saying our goodbyes
the elders wore black ties in honor of our funeral
Are you kidding me? Four days after I leave!
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